Why It Is So Important To See A Podiatrist If You Have Diabetes

Posted on: 21 October 2022

Diabetes is a very common condition that affects tens of thousands of Australians all across the country. No matter what type of diabetes you have, it is important that you don't just monitor the condition itself but also all the side effects and symptoms that come from being diabetic. One lesser observed symptom has to do with the feet, as many people simply ignore this area or do not dwell on it too closely. That is a real problem, as diabetic foot care is absolutely essential, and here are a few reasons why you absolutely must be seeing a podiatrist about your feet.

Monitor For Changes

One of the main reasons you should see a podiatrist when you have diabetes is the same reason you would see your GP: to monitor your condition. Even if nothing is inherently jumping out at you as a major problem, it is important that a professional has a regular check-up of your foot. They can spot issues beginning to form that you would have no idea were even a problem, and they can also give you advice on how to keep your feet more comfortable. This is entirely for your benefit, and most people who start seeing a podiatrist realise just how beneficial they are to their quality of life.

Diagnose And Treat Problems

It is not easy being diabetic, but it is important that you stay on top of all the areas of your health that this condition affects, including your feet. If you are not careful, your feet can start to lose circulation and you can develop quite severe issues with dead skin and flesh and even begin to lose parts of your toes and feet. That is the worst result, but it is a possibility if you do not begin a careful routine of checking your feet and having a professional diagnose problems as early as they possibly can.

Reduce Pain

One of the benefits of vising a podiatrist is simply that they will make everything a lot more comfortable for you. They can give you advice on how to find the best shoes, socks and slippers to keep your tender feet feeling good. They might offer some advice on special creams to soothe your sore skin or exercises and stretches to reduce swelling and corns. Diabetic foot care is not just about ensuring you don't suffer extreme problems as mentioned above but also that your day-to-day life is much more comfortable with your feet as well looked after as they can be. 

Contact a service provider like Beenleigh Podiatry Centre to learn more. 
