
  • Accessory Navicular Syndrome: Causes and Treatments for Relief

    When you have foot pain, finding the cause is important for finding relief. Your feet do a lot for you. Any problem with them could hamper your life's activities. Accessory Navicular Syndrome (ANS) is one such condition that could impact you. Many people have this condition and don't realize it until they have a problem. This article aims to provide a description of ANS by explaining what causes it, the common symptoms and the available treatments. [Read More]

  • Why It Is So Important To See A Podiatrist If You Have Diabetes

    Diabetes is a very common condition that affects tens of thousands of Australians all across the country. No matter what type of diabetes you have, it is important that you don't just monitor the condition itself but also all the side effects and symptoms that come from being diabetic. One lesser observed symptom has to do with the feet, as many people simply ignore this area or do not dwell on it too closely. [Read More]

  • Why You Should Get Shockwave Therapy Done in Your Podiatrist's Office

    When looking for a way to deal with podiatry-related pain, such as pain in your ankles or heels, then you might have heard about shockwave therapy. Your podiatrist might have even mentioned it, or you might have read a little bit about it online. You might have heard that you can do shockwave therapy at home, which could be something you're interested in. You might want to make use of shockwave therapy, but you may find that it's better to have it done at your podiatrist's office instead of doing it at home. [Read More]

  • Why You Should Visit a Sports Podiatrist Sooner Rather Than Later

    The foot has many little bones, tendons and muscles that all work together in a condensed space. When something injures any part of your foot it can have a bit of a domino effect on other areas, which is why it is so important to get treatment sooner rather than later. Sports podiatry should be one of the first healthcare places you visit after a sports injury when it pertains to your foot, as they are the specialists in isolating and treating problems before they spread and get really bad. [Read More]

  • Suffering from Arthritic Feet? Here are 4 Helpful Podiatric Tips to Quell the Pain

    Did you know that your foot alone is made up of thirty-three joints and twenty-six bones? In total, both feet contain sixty-six joints and suffering arthritis in any of these joints can be a painful experience. When left untreated, this condition can easily lead to permanent foot damage. Inflammatory arthritis is also known to attack connective joint tissues in your feet, causing immobility, stiffness and pain. If you are suffering from arthritic feet, the following are four helpful tips from a professional podiatrist to assist you in managing this condition. [Read More]

  • What to Expect During A Foot Assessment

    If you have been having any foot symptoms that may include pain or ulceration, it is crucial that you visit your doctor for examination. If you have diabetes or your family has a history of diabetes, you are at high risk of foot conditions, and it is best to visit your podiatrist for regular examinations. The following includes what you may go through during foot assessment.  You May Be Asked Questions [Read More]

  • Recovering From Foot Surgery: What to Expect

    If you are due to undergo foot surgery, you may be focused on the operation itself. However, it is essential that you also understand the recovery process. The article will explain what you can expect during the recovery period. The days following the surgery Once the surgery is complete, you may be confined to a bed for a short while. Once this period over, your surgeon will fit you with a special boot which is designed to support your foot. [Read More]

  • 4 Signs You Need the Ankle Support of Hiking Boots During Your Next Hike

    Many hikers have switched from rugged hiking boots over to simpler, lighter hiking shoes or trail runners. This can work well for many people, especially if you're taking a lighter hike, but there's one important reason to hang onto your boots: ankle support. Boots extend further up your leg. If your foot begins to roll onto its side when you put it down, the upper part of the boot will help prevent your ankle from getting twisted or broken. [Read More]

  • Wearing out Your Shoes Too Quickly? It's Time to Learn About Pronation and Supination

    How long should a pair of shoes last? Of course, a lot can depend on the quality of the shoes in question. But the speed with which you go through shoes can also depend on your feet. Some feet (and your subsequent style of walking) can put a pair of shoes under significant stress. If you find yourself needing to throw out your shoes with a regularity that you consider to be a bit much, you might simply be pronating or supinating as you walk. [Read More]

  • If your daughter complains of heel pain after a ballet class, do not ignore it

    Ballet is a discipline that places a lot of strain on the feet, involving standing, moving around and jumping. If your daughter complains about having heel pain after a ballet class, it may simply be that she has strained her foot in the class, or even bruised her heel. There is a possibility, though, that there may be another underlying cause that should not be left untreated. Identify the cause of the pain [Read More]