Why You Should Get Shockwave Therapy Done in Your Podiatrist's Office

Posted on: 28 February 2022

When looking for a way to deal with podiatry-related pain, such as pain in your ankles or heels, then you might have heard about shockwave therapy. Your podiatrist might have even mentioned it, or you might have read a little bit about it online. You might have heard that you can do shockwave therapy at home, which could be something you're interested in. You might want to make use of shockwave therapy, but you may find that it's better to have it done at your podiatrist's office instead of doing it at home. These are some of the top reasons why.

It's Often More Effective

First of all, the shockwave therapy machines that are used in podiatrists' offices are often stronger and more powerful. This means that they can be a lot more effective. Additionally, your podiatrist will probably know about the best way to use the shockwave treatment machine so that it will work effectively. Shockwave therapy can be very helpful for dealing with pain, whether you choose to do it at home or at your doctor's office. However, chances are good that you'll get even better results if you use shockwave therapy at your doctor's office.

You Can Avoid Buying Expensive Equipment

In order to do shockwave therapy at home, you will need to have the right equipment for the job. These machines can be expensive, and they often aren't covered by insurance. You can avoid having to purchase this expensive equipment if you simply go to your podiatrist's office for treatment, however.

You Can Get Other Help

It's true that many people benefit from shockwave therapy for ankle pain, heel pain or other related issues. However, this does not mean that you should rely on shockwave therapy alone. If you were to do shockwave therapy at home yourself, then you wouldn't be able to get additional help from your podiatrist on the same days that you make use of this therapy. If you have shockwave therapy done in your podiatrist's office, however, you can ask your podiatrist to take a look at your foot or ankle. They might recommend things like insoles or special shoes to wear, and they can answer any questions that you might have. You might find that you like regularly visiting your podiatrist's office so that you can enjoy the various treatments that they have to offer.

As you can see, shockwave therapy is sometimes best when done in a podiatrist's office. If you don't already have a podiatrist, it might be time to look for one so they can help you with these treatments.

For more information on shockwave treatment, contact a professional near you.
