Why You Should Visit a Sports Podiatrist Sooner Rather Than Later

Posted on: 30 June 2021

The foot has many little bones, tendons and muscles that all work together in a condensed space. When something injures any part of your foot it can have a bit of a domino effect on other areas, which is why it is so important to get treatment sooner rather than later. Sports podiatry should be one of the first healthcare places you visit after a sports injury when it pertains to your foot, as they are the specialists in isolating and treating problems before they spread and get really bad. Here are a few reasons why you should always call a sports podiatry clinic right away. 

Get Movement Back ASAP

Because so many of the components of the foot are so tiny it can be hard to know how to effectively stretch them and get them back to a place where you can start exercising them. Sports podiatry services won't just apply treatment when you are there, but they give you helpful tips about how to speed up the recovery process as fast as possible. Often sports injuries are quite sore and impact-related, so the recovery process is a bit longer, but as long as you follow their program and continue to go to regular appointments you give yourself the best chance of getting back to normal quicker. 

Use Prescriptive Equipment

Another reason why visiting a sports podiatrist is as important as going to other healthcare professionals is because they can give you a lot of helpful suggestions for strapping, orthotics and even the types of shoes you should be wearing. Not only do these items feel great when you wear them, but they make sure you heal properly. The worst thing you can do is take a relaxed approach to your recovery as this might see the bones or muscles heal incorrectly and cause you a great deal of future pain.

Retain Your Strength and Endurance

Often when people recovering from sporting injuries only see their GP they lose a lot of muscle strength and dexterity. That is because a GP is looking at the broader picture of how to get you healthy, they are not interested in how much muscle mass you keep, as that is not their main objective. A sports podiatrist can help you with this, which for athletes, is a gamechanger. Not only does this help you stay active while injured, but it can mean that after you are back to full fitness you don't have to build up your injured feet as much.
