Suffering from Arthritic Feet? Here are 4 Helpful Podiatric Tips to Quell the Pain

Posted on: 22 November 2019

Did you know that your foot alone is made up of thirty-three joints and twenty-six bones? In total, both feet contain sixty-six joints and suffering arthritis in any of these joints can be a painful experience. When left untreated, this condition can easily lead to permanent foot damage. Inflammatory arthritis is also known to attack connective joint tissues in your feet, causing immobility, stiffness and pain.

If you are suffering from arthritic feet, the following are four helpful tips from a professional podiatrist to assist you in managing this condition.

Manage Your Weight

Cutting down some extra pounds of weight and staying at recommended weight levels is vital. Reducing weight, mainly if you are obese, can relieve the stress exerted on your weight-bearing joints such as ankles, knees and hips. For instance, shedding off as little as 10 pounds of weight can help alleviate the pain and restore function in arthritic feet. Friendly physical exercises such as yoga and change of diet can help cut extra weight. 

Remain More Active

As mentioned above, friendly physical exercises can help you lose weight. But also, they are non-drug methods that help you remain active, improving mood, quality of life and function. Besides, regular physical exercises help alleviate the risk of developing chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease. As much as your health allows, always remain focus on remaining active.

Always Protect Your Joints

Joint injuries can provoke arthritis or make it even worse. Always opt for simple activities that are gentle to your joints such as swimming, walking or cycling. These activities are low-impact with minimum injury risks and less stress on your joints. Work or sports-related injuries can amplify the risk of developing osteoarthritis. To mitigate the probability of developing or making the condition even worse, consider taking safety precautions to prevent joint injuries. They may include wearing protective gear and keeping off from aggressive, repetitive joint motions. 

Develop Self-Management Skills

There are many self-management workshops today that teach invaluable skills for managing arthritis. Be sure to join such programs, as you'll learn essential ways to improve your arthritic condition. While there, you'll master the skills to keep your health in shape, manage pain, minimize stress and retain a positive mood. You'll also learn how to reach out to your podiatrist effectively and carry out your daily duties usually. 


These four essential tips have been proven to help minimize arthritic-related pain. If you haven't started using any of these methods, we highly recommend you begin immediately, and you'll notice a big difference.

For more information, contact a local podiatrist.
