• Suffering from Arthritic Feet? Here are 4 Helpful Podiatric Tips to Quell the Pain

    Did you know that your foot alone is made up of thirty-three joints and twenty-six bones? In total, both feet contain sixty-six joints and suffering arthritis in any of these joints can be a painful experience. When left untreated, this condition can easily lead to permanent foot damage. Inflammatory arthritis is also known to attack connective joint tissues in your feet, causing immobility, stiffness and pain. If you are suffering from arthritic feet, the following are four helpful tips from a professional podiatrist to assist you in managing this condition. [Read More]

  • What to Expect During A Foot Assessment

    If you have been having any foot symptoms that may include pain or ulceration, it is crucial that you visit your doctor for examination. If you have diabetes or your family has a history of diabetes, you are at high risk of foot conditions, and it is best to visit your podiatrist for regular examinations. The following includes what you may go through during foot assessment.  You May Be Asked Questions [Read More]