6 Tips for Keeping Your Feet Healthy This Winter

Posted on: 30 March 2015

As winter rapidly approaches, people prepare to hide their feet away, keeping them warm for in thick socks, boots and slippers. To ensure that your feet stay healthy over the winter months, let's looks at a six top tips to keep your feet both toasty and in peak physical condition.

Keep moisture at bay

Boots are great all-purpose footwear option in winter; they keep your feet warm and dry while sloshing through mud or running in the rain. With a pair of waterproof boots and thick winter socks, however, your feet can easily become sweaty and damp, leaving you at risk of bacterial infections and discomfort.

Keep your feet dry this winter by sprinkling a little foot powder inside your socks, and giving your feet a thorough clean with antibacterial soap at the end of the day.

Get a perfect fit

Shoes that are too big or small can cause your feet to chafe, causing painful blisters, bunions or callouses. Having your feet professionally measured and fitted with good quality boots or closed-in shoes is the best way to prevent foot pain caused by chafing. Alternatively, consult your local professional podiatrist, who will conduct a comprehensive foot examination and recommend orthotics or other shoe insert solutions to ensure you achieve a perfect fit.

Choose the right fabrics

There are many high-tech fabrics on the market, and if you find your feet are prone to sweating, it may be worth investing in some good-quality, breathable socks and shoes that still provide excellent insulation and warmth. A synthetic fabric designed to wick moisture away from your feet is a perfect solution for exercising and long work days.

Circulate the blood

Keep the blood circulating through your feet and toes during winter by doing regular foot exercises. By rolling your ankles, flexing and pointing your toes a few times a day, you will ensure that your feet have a good flow of blood- keeping them warm and supplied with vital nutrients.

Groom and maintain regularly

Our feet need a little extra love an care during winter, so it is important to keep up with a good grooming an maintenance routine. If you are prone to callouses or bunions, soak your feet regularly in an Epsom salt footbath, and remove dead skin or dry patches using an exfoliator or pumice stone.

Treat your feet to regular nourishment by massaging your feet after a shower or bath with a moisturizer designed specifically for foot care. For a deep conditioning treatment, slather moisturiser on your feet and cover with socks before bed, for an overnight restoration of cracked heels or dry skin.
